Photo heavy post, sorry! We awoke to a glorious autumn morning in Launceston, with a definite nip in the air, but not a cloud in the sky. I wish we had allowed more time here to explore the surrounding area, but with only a week in Tasmania there was no way we were ever going to see it all. There's always next time!

A number of people had told us that Cuccina was the place to go for breakfast, so off we went. It was an easy walk down the hill from Auldington which was just as well as I was definitely needing a good coffee by this point. They didn't disappoint. Will and Lucy really enjoyed their Canadian style pancakes and a pot of English Breakfast tea between them. How many 10 and almost 8 year olds enjoy a pot of tea with their breakfast? Maybe lots, I don't know.
Just before lunch we headed off for Bicheno on the East Coast. We stopped off at Evandale on the way. The whole town is National Trust listed. The general store was very cute and after purchasing some old fashioned lollies in little white paper bags we were on our way again.
We arrived at Bicheno mid afternoon, after what seemed like a long and twisty drive. Will was feeling the worse for it. The 3km Foreshore Footway extends from the Blowhole around to the Gultch (the harbour) so after after checking into our our digs we headed out for a walk along the rocky forshore to clear our heads. We were in the "King Billy" cabin, which we thought was quite funny. By now the weather was definitely cooling off so we headed off to Passinis for some gluten free pizza and the best spaghetti bolognaise Lucy has ever eaten. I was not offended by this (much!).
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