Saturday, 8 June 2013


" a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2013"

he - is feeling poorly
she - won't put shoes on no matter how cold

last week I loved this shot by Serendipity in Chaos, there is something so magical about taking the time to just look at the clouds.


  1. these are absolutely my favorites so far. just fabulous (even though your little man was sick) xxoo

  2. Lovely shots, I especially like the dirty feet I was never a fan of shoes when I was young.

  3. Grubby feet, a sign of a happy child. Hope he is feeling better soon.

  4. Oh heavy eyes. So tired. I hope he recovers quickly; it always breaks my heart when my smalls are sick.

    Thank you for popping over and taking a peek at my blog. It was very kind of you to mention me here. :)

  5. I am just popping back in to say thank you, thank you. a million times thank you for your kind words on my blog this weekend. I just needed to say it. thank you. xxoo


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