Sunday 20 October 2013

Weekly stills - a collection

1. After a stressful week at work, my sister surprised me with these x
2. Always a beach towel hanging out on our back patio
3. Desperately trying to find something the kids will eat at school
4. Thank goodness for home espresso machines
5 and 6. Learning to negotiate the surf, an Australian essential

Linking up with  The Beetle Shack


  1. Your photos are beautiful.....I love having fresh flowers in the house, how lovely that your sister surprised you with some.....she's a keeper ;) I hope you have a lovely week filled with homemade coffee and empty school lunch boxes. Melinda x

    1. Thank you so much, not too much luck today with the lunch boxed though I'm afraid :)

  2. How lovely of your sister. The light and colour (and joy) in your surf photos is just magical.

  3. Love the colours in these photos, especially the surf and those beautiful flowers. Looking at your cooking is inspiring me to cook something, I think I've lost my baking mojo! Have a good week xx

    1. I think the hot weather has definitely taken away my baking mojo too, it's even hard to decide what to cook, let alone actually cook it!

  4. Those flowers are simply stunning. The quest for a savoured lunchbox is never ending! X

  5. Oh the colours of the sea and sky! So perfectly beautiful!

    Lovely post.

    1. Thank you - it really was such a beautiful evening, I'm glad I remembered to grab my camera :)


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