Sunday 18 August 2013

Weekly stills

I have been working to improve my photography a lot of late.  I have so much to learn, but I have finally found my "thing".  It feels good to have something to be passionate about.  But sometimes, in all the rush of life, I forget to pick up the camera.  So, in the interest of making myself take the time to do something I really enjoy, I thought I would join in a weekly stills group.   Here goes.

1.  We all need to remember this at times.
2.  This pillow makes me happy
3.  Rockabilly rocks
4.  Flowers from poppy
5.  All alone for now
6.  Keeping the bed warm

Here's hoping you all enjoy a lovely week ahead.

linking up with the weekly stills at The Beetle Shack


  1. A lovely set of photos and different perspectives. Photography is so much fun. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

  2. Your stills are especially still . . . they make me quiet down inside. So beautiful.

    1. Thank you - I think when I took these after some challenging days, that I was looking for some quietness too. I'm glad you could find it too xx


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