Given that my husband's parents divorced many years ago, we have learnt to streamline Christmas over the years. We used to rush from family to family and Christmas started to become a blur of quick visits, snatched conversations and the feeling that we didn't really get to enjoy Christmas with anyone.
Now, we spend the morning with his father's family, then have lunch with either my family, or his mother's family. Boxing Day is then spent with the family we didn't see on Christmas Day. It's perfect - or as close to perfect as we will get. And, we get two Christmas Days! Bingo!
After the heat leading up to Christmas, the cooler ( although wet) day we had this year was a blessed relief. And the kids didn't seem to mind the wet weather anyway, they enjoyed a game of wet weather soccer and jumping on a very slippery, wet trampoline.
1. Santa left a note!
2. Christmas colours
3. The kids getting stuck into their Christmas lunch
4. Lets eat
5. This one loves all things pink and pretty
6. Nanna didn't take these off all day
7. Cheese!
8. Waiting
Joining in with the lovely Em at The Beetle Shack