Saturday 8 February 2014

weekly stills - a collection


1. a moment of co-operation
2. dustcatcher
3. spotto!
4. i can't see you
5 & 6. sunset along the foreshore
7. will I or won't I? ( I didn't)

Linking up with The Beetle Shack for Weekly Stills.


  1. I love that first have to take those ones when you get them don't you. I had my two playing beautifully on Saturday but Sunday seemed to be a different story. Love the sunset too. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

    1. Thanks so much Kathy, it's always a relief we're not the only ones experiencing the ups and downs of sibling rivalry!

  2. Ha ha....your last photo and the accompanying caption made me laugh! Your photos are great!

  3. Oh … you should have ;0)
    Great photos.

  4. I love the light in your photos, they're really beautiful. ps: I think you should have too!

  5. you have done an amazing job capturing such beautiful light and contrast in your stills. The black and white first photo is so magical, the matchbox racing cars take me back to playtimes with my own brother and the light of sunset on the pier/rocks is great.

    1. Thanks Mandi! The great thing is my two are still using the car track my younger brother had when he was little - he's now 37!

  6. The water looks so stunning in your pictures, great shots!

  7. What a beautiful week of stills x

  8. Oh hello! That little lady in the top photo looks familiar! I just stumble upon your blog from the Beetle Shack, but we are both doing the creative photography course! You have a lovely blog. xx


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